Saturday, January 21, 2012

Take Some Time to Get "Snowed In"

Northern Indiana in January.  That's it.  That pretty much says it all.  Sub freezing temperatures, snow falling outside, weather casters causing widespread panic on the news that we are all going to be snowed in for the next several days...  Ahhh yes, Northern Indiana in January.  Here's the thing, being snowed in isn't always a bad thing.  Being snowed in means a fire in the fireplace with the ones you love.  Being snowed in means curling up with your husband on the couch watching movies.  It means a pot of soup simmering on the stove.  It can mean something that sounds as mundane as a game of Scrabble that you wouldn't take the time to play if you weren't "snowed in"...  It's talking and laughing and enjoying each others company...

At this Indiana girl's house, it also meant cooking on a Friday night.  Yes, I will admit, Friday night is the one night that I don't generally cook.  This Friday it was Pork Chops and Roasted Potatoes.  As promised, I will be sharing how food and Do You Bake? fit into my life on a daily basis.  This Friday, it was with our easy, fun to use Do You Bake? French Fries Seasoning...  

Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes with French Fries Seasonings by Do You Bake?

In the past, I would have grabbed a bag of Frozen Roasted Potatoes and Green Beans with Roasted Garlic Sauce I still had in my Freezer.  I looked at the label and as I often am lately, was shocked by the ingredients...

Chop your own fresh potatoes and
eliminate the need for all those preservatives.  You will taste

Drizzle with a bit of Olive Oil, Toss and Bake at 450 degrees for about 20-25 minutes

Heat up Two Tablespoons of Olive Oil in the Microwave for a Few Seconds, Add a couple Tablespoons of French Fries Seasoning, and toss with the potatoes.  Finish cooking for an additional 5-10 minutes until nice and crispy!  

And Voila!  Healthy, Delicious, All Natural Roasted Potatoes right from your Oven...  They are crispy, tasty, and fresh! No chemicals or preservatives here.  Just good creamy Yukon Gold Potatoes and the perfect blend or herbs and seasonings!  This seasoning does work great with frozen potatoes or fries in a pinch too...  I always recommend getting the All Natural variety in those if they are available!  

100% Natural and Ohh So Yummy...

Even if the sun might be shining where you are, take the time to be "snowed in" for a day or a weekend... Stop to appreciate the small things and spend times with friends and family.  You don't have to wait until nature steps in...  You can choose to find yourself "snowed in" anytime you want to spend a little time with the ones you love.  And yeah, sometimes that involves a nice dinner or some good snacks.  I would love for you to let Me and Do You Bake? cater your next "snow day".  Keep your cupboards stocked with great food, keep enjoying others company and remember that Life is SWEET! 


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